Five Attributes of a Successful Business Owner

leadership Apr 17, 2022

#LeadandLift | Episode 04 | Kim Wolfe

Do you feel you lack the time, skills or confidence to be a successful business owner?  Want to know the 5 attributes of a successful business owner with action steps that you can start taking today! 

Kim Wolfe is a mom, flight instructor, business owner and the QuickBooks Queen! After 15 years in business, it is now Kim's mission to help other moms build their own Quickbooks bookkeeping business so that they too can be home earning an income in a career-based business surrounded by their children.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Discipline and commitment
  • Acting big to be big
  • Employing and leading others
  • Forward progress vs. perfect progress and being teachable
  • Finding the pain point

I hope you love this interview as much as I did and take away at least one of the five strategies and implement it into your business today.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Commit yourself to your schedule and goals. When making a to-do list, don't skip over any tasks. 
  • People will not take you seriously if you don't present yourself as something legitimate and professional 
  • Don't do it all by yourself. Don't be limited by the belief that employees will be too much to handle. You can make it so that their presence in your business won't be a hindrance but a help.  
  • Focus on making forward progress, any progress at all is good. It doesn't have to be perfect, but any forward progress can be perfected in the long run. 
  • Find the pain point in your industry and be the expert on it. 

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I have added bonus episodes from the first virtual Lead and Lift summit and I shall be adding more bonus episodes.  If you’re not following, then you may miss the episodes.  Follow now! 

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