Mastering Your Mindset

#LeadandLift | Episode 43 | Jerry Roisentul

Have you ever struggled with turning off the negative voice in your head?

You deal with fears, doubts, insecurities, worries and feelings of self-worth and those thoughts are sometimes hard to turn off in your mind.

You can’t control the thousands of thoughts that come to your mind daily, however, you have total control over which of those thoughts YOU CHOOSE to focus on.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Focusing on what we have control over
  • Overcoming fears and doubts
  • Limiting beliefs and blind-spots
  • Using mindset to navigate your circumstance

I hope you love this interview as much as I did especially the awareness that you have control over the thoughts you let into your mind.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • We don’t have any control over whether negative thoughts or feelings will come into our mind but we do have control over which thoughts to focus on, which thoughts to open ourselves up to.
  • You’re never going to escape fear or doubts, they’re always going to be hanging around you, you can’t chase them away - but you can challenge those fears and doubts and bring yourself to overcome them.
  • So much of our current issues and hang-ups stem from limiting beliefs that have been created in us since childhood. Going through coaching will help us overcome these limiting beliefs and reveal anything that hides in our blind-spots.
  • You don’t have to change your surroundings or your situation, you simply need to learn how you could use your mind to navigate your current circumstance, whatever it may be.

"We can’t control the thousands of thoughts that knock on the door of our mind every single day but we do have control over which of those thoughts do we open the door of our mind to and let in and focus on." — Jerry Roisentul

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