Growth vs Goal Mindset

#LeadandLift | Episode 41 | Bill Goodwin

Have you ever struggled to understand the difference between a growth mindset versus a goal mindset?

Is there a difference or are they both the same?

Bill Goodwin teaches 5 things to do each day to grow as a leader and person.  Goal is part of step one…

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Defining your goal and gathering tools
  • Action with focus and consistency
  • Walking towards your growth
  • Downhill habits in an uphill journey

 I hope you love this interview as much as I did and can set a goal and take action each day. 

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • You have to know what you want to accomplish. Have a clearly defined goal. Then, make sure that you have the right tools to accomplish that goal.
  • Once you’ve got a goal and you’ve got your tools, consistently take action. Swing that ax - but swing it at one tree only. Focus on accomplishing your goal, don’t get distracted.
  • If you want to grow, then keep walking in the journey towards your growth. Focus daily on what you want to learn, invest time and effort into learning new things and new skills.
  • We have to be intentional about growth. Everything worthwhile in life is uphill, so if you feel difficulty in the pursuit of growth then you know that you are on the right path. We have to let go of downhill daily habits in order for us to find progress in growth. 

"Everything worthwhile in life is uphill." —  Bill Goodwin

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