Dream Big, Start Small: How Micro Goals Lead to Major Wins

#LeadandLift | Episode 122 | Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your big dreams?

In this episode of Lead and Lift, we’ll talk about how to break down overwhelming tasks into bite-sized goals that are easier to tackle. I’ll share tips on how to track your progress, stay motivated, and celebrate every win—no matter how small. Let’s dive into how taking small, consistent steps can lead you to massive success, and why those tiny victories are the key to sustaining momentum!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Executing bite-sized goals
  • How to properly track progress 
  • Sustaining motivation through celebration 
  • Dreaming big and taking small steps


Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Bite-sized goals facilitate tackling monumental tasks. Start small for big dreams; consistent daily steps build momentum and habit. 
  • Track progress without feeling overwhelmed by breaking big goals into achievable tasks, using visual trackers and roadmaps
  • Celebrate every small win to reinforce positive habits and create consistency and momentum. Small wins compound into massive achievements over time through consistent effort
  • Dream big but take small intentional steps consistently; seemingly insignificant actions compound into massive achievements

Remember, achieving big goals doesn’t have to feel daunting. It’s all about taking consistent, small steps and celebrating the progress along the way. Stay focused on the little wins, track your journey, and never underestimate the power of compounding effort. Dream big, take small steps, and watch your success unfold—one bite-sized goal at a time!

"Success is built through consistency, not intensity."  Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath


The #1 Thing You Need to Achieve Big Goals + See Real Results

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