Mid-Year Check-In: Get R.E.A.L. to Win the Year

#LeadandLift | Episode 106 | Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath


Half the year has gone by and now is the perfect moment to assess your progress and make the necessary adjustments to win the year!

This time of the year puts me in a reflecting, assessing, and evaluating mood, especially because it’s my birthday month. A new year will unfold for me soon and because of good habits like journaling, I am able to grow wiser as I grow older.

My coach, Brendon Burchard, asked us earlier this year to make a decision to live an extraordinary life. I have that on my board in my office and I’ve been doing my best to show up each day to fulfill that decision.

“Purpose isn't a thing that just drops on you, you find your purpose by taking action.” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath


The Purpose Of Reflection And Adjustments

Doing regular reflections and adjustments is crucial in achieving your goals.

Think about it like this, an airplane’s flight has a destination and the pilot knows what direction it needs to go to fly from point A to point B. Along the way, the pilot makes constant little adjustments in order to land at the next airport.

This is the same with all goals, we need to track progress regularly to make sure that we’re not going off course. Even just a little bit of wavering can build up over time and send you in a different direction altogether.

Grab a journal and a notebook and let’s go through the R.E.A.L. framework!

Reflect On Where You Are

The R in the R.E.A.L. framework stands for Reflect.

It is impossible to navigate to where you want to be if you don’t know where you are at the moment. You need to have a point of reference in order to proceed in the right direction.

Look at your life areas and see where you are at in each one:

  • Career or Mission
  • Health
  • Partner
  • Family
  • Spirit
  • Finance
  • Learning

Once you’ve listed down the areas, rate yourself from a score of zero to ten on each one of those. Indicate that these scores are for the past six months.

Make another list of all the big goals and big projects that you want to accomplish this year then we can move to the next step.

Evaluate What’s Working And What’s Not Working

The E in the R.E.A.L. framework stands for Evaluate.

Determine what’s working for you and what is not. We need to know what the gaps are so that we can close those gaps.

Beside the list that you’ve written down in the “reflect” stage, write down another column. In this next column, you’ll write down what you want your areas to look like by the time December comes. This will be your end-of-year goal.

Next, go back to the goals you’ve set out at the start of the year or the projects that you planned to do and evaluate each one whether you want to continue with them or not.

You may also want to consider evaluating the services that you offer, the business strategies you’re currently implementing, and the skills that you’re applying in your business or career.

Adjust Your Action Plan And Strategies

The A in the R.E.A.L. framework stands for Action plan.

Now that you have an idea of where you’re at and where you want to go, it’s time to think about what action you can take to close the gap and move forward in the right direction.

If you did the previous exercises, you should already have a list of your current situation and another list that shows where you want to be. Picture a literal gap in between those two lists and list down actions or daily habits that you can implement in order for you to make progress toward those goals.

Remember to write these actions down as a verb.

Lead Yourself, Be Accountable

The L in the R.E.A.L. framework stands for Lead yourself.

This is by far, the hardest job but also the most necessary. You already have a goal and a plan that will get you there. Now you have to hold yourself accountable to that and execute your plan.

The first hurdle that you must face in trying to strive for your goal is that you need to have a plan. A lot of people have dreams, but don’t have plans and that’s why they fail. However, a plan is just words on a page if not applied.

The best way to hold yourself accountable to your plan is to let people in and allow them to help you stay true to what you hope to accomplish.

Get an accountability buddy, share it in a community, and get yourself a coach. Surrounding yourself with people will help you reach your goals.

Getting a coach is an investment and the return you’ll receive is that you’ll be able to achieve your goal faster.

“If your goal is important to you, why not invest in it?” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

One of the things you’ll have to do in order to lead yourself well to your goal is to look at your current projects and see which ones you’ll need to leave behind.

When something’s not getting done, it can become a distraction to the goals that you’ll otherwise be making good progress on. So look at the projects that can be moved to next year and focus on what’s getting done.

Top Five Challenges That Get In Between You and Your Goal

There are five challenges that make it difficult for people to execute their plan and achieve their goals.

The first challenge is time management. It’s tough because it’s not only about managing your hours in a way that will allow you to complete the project before the deadline, it’s also about being able to do all that while also not neglecting your self-care and family time.

Remember that your most valuable asset is yourself, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of anything else.

The second challenge is building a team. You can’t expect to do everything yourself and do it well. You have to get help for the things that keep you from staying in your zone of genius.

Involve people in your vision, share your dreams with them. Delegate tasks, even the small ones. Spend your time and effort on things that you are best at.

The third challenge is technology. There are a lot of tools that you can use that can help you but it may not come naturally to you. Keep an open mind and be curious. Join communities, and be coached on business and digital marketing strategies that work.

Learning technology is like learning any skill, you need to schedule time and you may need a teacher.

The fourth obstacle is imposter syndrome. The imposter syndrome comes up a lot for people who are in their growth zone. When outside of your comfort zone, your brain might generate negativity, panic, and doubt because you’re doing something new - something you haven’t done before. Imposter syndrome is a symptom that you are on your way up so I’ll share with you some ways in which to counter it.

Challenge your negative thoughts. Write them down and face them head on. Don’t let the thoughts drone on in the back of your mind, distracting you and keeping you from being present. Capture them and challenge them. Argue with the thoughts, interrogate them, and beat the thoughts in your mind.

Fear shows up to protect you but you can speak to your fears, and tell them that everything’s going to be alright, that you are capable and that you are ready for whatever may come in this next level that you’re climbing up on.

Recognize that confidence is a skill. It’s something that can be learned through practice. Fear is an opportunity to practice courage and by taking courageous actions, you are able to build confidence.

The fifth challenge is stress. Stress is a constant in life. They are like waves that come and go, waves that wash over you with varying heights and strengths. A big wave of stress may knock you down, but the key isn’t in not getting stressed, it’s in getting up.

Expect the impact, and give yourself grace when you get knocked down. Then, get up each time and strive to get up faster each time you get knocked down.

Applying What You Learned

The R.E.A.L. framework isn't just a one-time exercise; it's a powerful tool you can use throughout the year to stay on track and ensure you're moving toward your goals with intention and clarity.

Reflecting on where you are, Evaluating what's working and what's not, Adjusting your strategies, and Leading yourself with renewed energy and focus—these steps can transform your journey.

Now that you are equipped with the R.E.A.L. Framework and you now know the five most common obstacles that could make it difficult for you to achieve your plans, you are now ready to face the rest of the year.

Schedule for yourself two hours this week. Sit quietly and go through the exercise. Assess yourself, create your goals, and make an action plan on how you’re going to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Let’s rise together and make the rest of this year extraordinary.

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