Quarterly Review: 5R Framework To Re-Assess Your Goals

leadership Mar 29, 2023

#LeadandLift | Episode 65

Three months of the year have gone by and now, it’s time to do a review to check where we’re at with our goals. The last thing we want for ourselves is to get to the end of the year and realize that another year has gone by without us accomplishing what we wanted to do.

That’s why I’ve put together a 5R framework that I’ve been using to do quarterly check-ins. I’ll share this framework with you so that you could have the tools that you need for you to also review and plan for the next quarter.

The First R: Reflect

The first R of the framework is reflect. Remember the successes that you’ve had so far and think about what got you those wins because those are the things that you want to keep doing.

Bring awareness into those practices and methods that bring you success by noting them down in a weekly or monthly review. That way, when it becomes time for you to write down your wins, you won’t find it hard to remember them.

This would also be a good time for you to check if you set any measures and how you’re doing according to those measurements.

Here’s an example: let’s say you’re a small business owner and you wanted to onboard five clients per month. Set that goal and check how far along were you in it. You could also give yourself a rating for areas like your relationship with your family.

All in all, reflecting is about looking at the wins you’ve had but it’s also measuring and scoring yourself to see where you are in areas where you’ve set a goal for improvement. It’s also about realizing what got you those wins, what helped you make progress, and what lessons or insights you didn’t have when you started the quarter.

The Second R: Remove

Have a dialogue with yourself through your journal. Ask yourself what are the things that are not serving you well or that are holding you back from success.

Another good question to ask yourself is this: “what are the distractions that take away from your time?” Scrolling through social media or watching short videos can be a huge time sink. You wouldn’t notice how long you’ve spent until it’s too late.

Think about your productivity. What are the things in your day that makes you less efficient than how you want to be?

Make it a goal to cut off the things that come up from these questions and replace them with habits that would make it smoother for you to achieve your goals.

There are two other areas that you’ve got to consider; energy and courage. Distractions usually take away from your energy and it makes you less effective during the day so you’ve got to check if you have enough energy to complete the tasks and daily goals you’ve set for yourself.

The Third R: Replan

The plan that you set up at the beginning of the year was your best idea at the time, but now that you’re three months into the year, it’s time to reconsider and reevaluate your plan and if you should pivot.

Reevaluating your plan and replanning is essential mainly because you’re a different person now than you have been three months ago. You’ve grown, you’ve changed, you’ve made progress and now, you’ll have better clarity on your goal and you can plan the next quarter better.

When you’re replanning, there might be some goals that you need to adjust and some that you might need to remove outright. You may even need to do a pivot in your business. This is your opportunity to review your plan and readjust as necessary or set new targets and create new measures.

The Fourth R: Resources

Our success is often delayed by our belief that we have to do everything by ourselves. We need to open our eyes to our surroundings and see the people around us that could help us succeed in what we want to achieve.

You need a team to help you because it is for a fact that no one in this world is good at every thing, people have specializations, talents, and gifts. You’ve got to delegate tasks you’re not good at to people who can do them better so that you can focus on the things that you’re good at, the things that you love to do.

Ask yourself what areas in your business would you need help the most. What are some skills that you don’t have right now? There are people that can do those areas faster and better and some of them may already be in your network.

“You don't have to create small goals, because you can achieve way more than that.” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

You should also be looking at what parts of your business can you automate. One thing I do in my business is that the first time I do something, I document it and then consider later how I can automate it or how I could teach someone to follow the process of doing it.

Sometimes what you need is someone to guide you and tell you what are the things you need to do or improve on to reach your goal. This is where having a coach comes in. A coach can help determine the small steps you need to make in order to achieve that big dream and with accountability and guidance, help you achieve your dream.

The Fifth R: Relax

Wherever you might be in your plan, this is the time for you to relax. If you haven’t planned a celebration yet, this is the week to do that. You’ve spent the last three months going at it and giving your best, and now it’s time to pause and celebrate your progress.

You’re a different person now. You’ve learned new perspectives, created new ideas, and gotten new insights. Schedule some time to re-energize so that you could be reconnected to why these goals are important to you and why you must achieve them.

Reconnecting to our “why” helps us re-energize. It helps us get up every day and give our best. Since you’re already thinking of how you’ll celebrate this quarter, why not plan your celebration for the next quarter as well? Creating a plan for a future celebration will create anticipation and excitement that will boost your energy and motivation as you go through the months.

"Reconnecting to the “why” helps us re-energize so that we can get up every day and give it our best." - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Joining Others In The Journey

If you’d like to learn more about how that framework goes even deeper, you could join the Lead and Lift Society that I’ve created. In there, we have a group of people coming together and talking deeper about the frameworks we talk about here on the podcast. We’re also there to support each other and cheer each other on.

What I’ve learned is that we all have the best intentions, but our willpower can only get us so far and that change doesn’t happen that quickly when you’re in the same environment. However, if you’re in a community with people who all strive to grow toward their goal, it helps you grow as well. By joining a group like that, you’ll also be surrounded with people who know what you’re going through.

If this is something that interests you, join the Lead and Lift Society.  

Schedule two hours in your calendar to review the 5R framework: reflect, remove, replan, resources, and relax. By doing this, you’ll be better prepared to face the next quarter and do even better this time!

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