Your Blueprint for a Winning Week and a Winning Life

#LeadandLift | Episode 123 | Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Are you tired of feeling like the week gets away from you before it even starts?

Imagine setting the tone for a winning week—one where every day feels intentional, productive, and aligned with your goals. In this episode, Chabidaye shares how to create a powerful planning ritual, set clear priorities, and track your wins to stay motivated and confident.

It's time to stop letting your week “just happen” and start designing it for success!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Setting the tone for a winning week
  • Planning with intention
  • Establishing a planning ritual
  • Track your wins

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • Set your priorities - identify 3 key outcomes or "big rocks" to focus on and accomplish each week.  Block time in your calendar for these priorities.
  • Plan your days with intention - don't just let your week happen, intentionally schedule your days with breaks, planning time and focus time to protect your energy and productivity.
  • Establish a weekly planning ritual - spend 20 minutes on Sundays reviewing the upcoming week and your major priorities and blocking time for them.
  • Track your wins - keep a wins journal or success journal to celebrate your small, weekly progress and build your confidence.

"Productivity isn't about doing more, it's about doing what matters the most with excellence" - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Success doesn't happen by chance—it happens by design. By setting priorities, planning with intention, and celebrating your wins, you can create a week that not only feels productive but also leaves you energized and fulfilled. If you’re ready to take control of your time and elevate your confidence, this episode is your roadmap.


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