Wisdom from Another Year: 10 Powerful Life Lessons

#LeadandLift | Episode 107 | Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Birthdays are always a great time for reflection. As I celebrate more and more birthdays, I realize that wisdom is a gift that comes to those who willingly embrace both good and bad experiences brought by the passage of time, choosing to see each moment as something that can be learned from.

With that said, I’d like to share with you the gift that this past year has given me and it is these ten powerful life lessons that I hope will resonate with you and inspire you in your own journey.

Make Powerful Decisions

The first one is powerful decisions.

One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned is that you are one powerful decision away from changing your life’s track in a meaningful way.

“When you decide to live an extraordinary life, you set yourself on a path of intentional growth and fulfillment.” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

My coach, Brendon Burchard, asked us to make an important decision: to commit to living an extraordinary life. That was a very powerful decision and it is a vision that I am committing myself to even when the road ahead seems uncertain. I don’t feel extraordinary every day, but I always remind myself of that decision and I set that as my intention for the day.

Be intentional about making decisions for your future self, not only for your current situation. Make decisions that will make future-you happy, fulfilled, and closer to your goals and dreams. Making decisions that benefit your future self often are the best and most powerful decisions that you can make.

Focus On Consistent Progress

Lesson number two is consistent progress.

Success is built on consistent progress. You don’t have to take giant leaps to get to success, you just have to keep taking a step in the right direction.

The Lead And Lift Podcast ranked top 5% globally. This is a concrete example of the power of showing up regularly and putting in the work. I didn’t do an episode every single week, but I kept on showing up, always remembering that this is a lifelong commitment.

"Small consistent steps lead to big results. Keep moving forward, no matter how small the steps may seem". - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

The Value Of Coaching

The third lesson is the value of coaching.

As a high-performance coach, I know exactly how valuable coaching is in one’s life. That’s why I have different coaches for different areas of my life.

The benefits of coaching lie beyond just obtaining better strategies for life, coaching will also help you build meaningful relationships.

Brendon Burchard, the world’s number one high-performance coach, defines coaching as an influence process that leads to discovery, decision-making, performance improvement, and better living.

Everybody gets the same 24 hours, but not everyone utilizes the time that they have in a way that brings fulfillment and meaning into their life.

Everybody gets one life, but a lot of people spend their whole lives building toward their dreams, unintentionally neglecting their loved ones. Then, they get to the top but have no one to celebrate it with.

High performance is all about succeeding beyond standard norms consistently, over the long term, while maintaining positive well-being and relationships.

That right there is true success. That is why I choose to be a high-performer and a high-performance coach who helps people enhance their lives with high-performance habits.

Seek Everyday Richness

The fourth lesson that I've learned is to seek everyday richness

When we think of the word “rich”, it wouldn’t be uncommon for money to come into our mind. However, seeking everyday richness goes beyond just material wealth, it’s about looking at the world with appreciation.

You can seek everyday richness by being present, by cultivating happiness, and by striving to have a calm mind. Slow down and appreciate the beauty around you.

When was the last time that you looked up and saw the beauty of the blue sky? Notice the shape of the clouds. Feel the warmth of the sun. Smell the fragrance of the flowers. Listen to the buzzing of the bees.

Take a pause and experience being alive. Seek the richness of every day because every day we are given is a gift.

Choose To Grow Daily

The fifth lesson is this: choose to grow daily

One of my favorite sayings from John Maxwell is when he said that growth doesn’t just happen, you have to be intentional about it.

To take care of a plant, you must water it every day, give it sunlight, plant it on good soil, and keep it away from bugs.

In the same way, your growth doesn’t happen accidentally, nor does it happen overnight. Growth is a daily commitment. Every day you are given a choice whether to grow or not grow.

Therefore, choose to grow. It could be as simple as reading a book, learning a new skill, or reflecting on your experiences. Make growth a priority.

Always remember that consistent effort compounds over time. No matter how big or small that effort is, it’s going to lead to significant personal and professional development eventually.

Leaders become leaders because they choose to grow daily.

Life Is A Hero’s Journey

The sixth lesson: life is a hero’s journey.

Life is full of dualities. There is joy and sorrow and there is success and failure. The important thing to keep in mind is that there is a time for everything, and a season for everything that happens in our lives.

Seasons don’t stay forever, you will not always have sorrow, nor will you always have failure. With consistent work, you will eventually succeed. That’s why it’s important to always have an open heart and open mind for the lessons that are right in front of us.

Every experience is a lesson. You may not immediately see the gems that you’re being given while you’re in a difficult situation, but one day, you will learn what you need to in order to get out of the darkness and leap forward into a much better place than where you were before.

Embrace the opposites in life. It will build resilience. It will equip you with preparedness for future challenges.

“As hard as it may seem at times, remember that every difficulty is an opportunity to learn and grow. Someone else in the world has already gone through your situation and they came out of it on the other side. You can do it too!” - Chabidaye Jaglal Ramnath

Be Patient

The seventh lesson is patience.

One thing I’ve observed in my own life is that I tend to be impatient with others. I have a very low tolerance for complaining, drama, or a victim mindset and I saw how I tried to get rid of those in a situation as fast as I could.

However, I learned to listen more and be more patient. I realized that everyone is on their unique journey so what might seem like a minor issue to me could be a major issue for someone else.

Rather than being impatient, I learned that it would be best to lift people up by offering support and guidance to help them through their struggles and for them to see a different perspective.

One of my favorite quotes is one by William Penn who said, “I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”

In this journey of life, we pass people constantly and we have something that we surely have in common and that is that we are struggling with something. You can bring a smile to their face, and help them shift their perspective so that they can find a solution to their problem. Helping people in this way is worth it, we won’t always get a chance to do it.

Develop High-Performance Habits

Lesson eight is about habits.

Developing high-performance habits has helped battle-proof my life. These habits helped me manage stress, regulate emotions, and improve my overall well-being.

In times of extreme stress, these habits have become my anchor. They helped me stay grounded and focused. The habits I’m talking about here are the six high-performance habits which you can discover for yourself if you read Brendon Burchard’s book, “High Performance Habits”, or if you work with me as your coach in which I will help you implement those habits into your life.

Invest In Yourself

Lesson number nine: invest in yourself.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your growth. This is a lesson that has been incredibly rewarding for me, my clients, and everyone else around me.

It also enables me to create positive ripple effects. When you focus on becoming the best version of you, it makes a difference in everyone around you. I experienced that in my life first hand and I saw that when I focus on becoming a better version of myself, I can be a better leader, a better coach, a better spouse, and a better mom.

Personal development is not selfish, it's essential. That’s why I’ve put aside a budget that I use to invest in my own growth. I encourage you to do the same!

Prioritize What Matters

Lesson number ten: prioritize what matters.

This is by far one of the most important and foundational lessons. It’s very simple, but can have a profound impact on your daily life.

Determine what your top priority is and prioritize that. Notice that the word “priority” is in singular, and not plural. That is what makes the concept so powerful because once you set your priority - everything else will revolve around that.

For me, my priority is my children. My business and my work all revolve around that. By that, I mean that my business and my work are structured in a way where I will be able to be present in my children’s lives in a meaningful and impactful way. I want to be able to live my life in a way where I won’t have any regrets about how I spent my time with my children.

In my current season of life, knowing that priority helps me do what matters most to me. It helps me to be able to make better decisions. It helps me show up better because I’m able to say yes to things that align with that priority and no to the things that do not.

Another Year Of Growth And Wisdom

Those were the ten lessons that shaped my year and helped me grow in ways that I couldn’t imagine. I hope that they inspire you to reflect on your own journey and embrace the lessons that life offers you. Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make powerful decisions that shape your future. If you learned something from these ten lessons, then why don’t you make someone’s day and share it with someone who’ll benefit from these lessons?

Cheers to another year of growth and wisdom!

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